The Company

Bluequant AG is a company that merges the highest standards of expertise in the traditional finance market with the deepest technological hacking knowledge of the blockchain and crypto industry. Our key to success is building an absolutely valuable team that combines the synergies of experience and nerdy passion for fintech. BlueQuant AG is the right combination of the technical expertise needed to be industry innovators and the past experience to understand how to assimilate the disruptive entropy of these revolutionary times.

"We believe in the potential of blockchain technology and its impact on the future of finance. Aware of the temporary barriers in the adoption process and the learning curve, we simplify access to a range of solutions otherwise reserved for a few professionals. We are a leader in innovation and work closely with key players in the digital world, building a link between traditional finance and blockchain, BlueQuant positions itself as a leading exponent of fintech made in Switzerland”.

Algo trading systems

Multi fast dataflow stream analysis for multy exchanges algorithmic trading systems.




Chamerstrasse 176
6300 Zug