Leading the way in the blockchain industry.

Bluequant focuses a large part of its resources on surgically increasing its team of super experts in each sector of crypto space, from cryptography, data science, mathematics, finance, programming in specific languages to the development of new models and solutions on the different existing blockchain protocols. . Thanks to this strong component of know-how and expertise in the sector, it can propose the highest solutions in a disruptive industry with exponential growth, consolidating ourselves as one of the Swiss references in the crypto space and in the world.

Regulated crypto asset management:

One of the biggest challenges that BlueQuant set out to solve is building bridges between traditional finance and the crypto space, providing innovative solutions and being the first in the world to promote them. One of them is our multi-trading platform for the discretionary and algorithmic management of 100% regulated portfolios made in Swiss. This allows managers to be able to onboard cryptoinvestor clients by connecting the APIs of their portfolios to our platform, which is responsible for calculating profits, exporting tax data and making fee payments automatically.

Token-As-A-Found: The real revolution

Another of the biggest challenges that Bluequant set out to solve is to bring to the largest number of retail investors the possibility of obtaining the highest returns in the blockchain world in the simplest way possible. To solve this, and based on the "token-as-a-fund" concept, we set out to be the first in the world to implement and list a security token that replicates the NAV of a multi-strategy applied by the best experts in the industry. , which combines the best of the traditional world giving guarantees of returns combined with DeFi and onchain protocols, putting on the market a solution that changes paradigms and focuses all its efforts on ease of access and high returns.




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United States of America